Do Black Lives Matter to Progressives?

Do Black Lives Matter to Progressives? by Dr Carol Swain for Be The People News

GNN Note – Only when it fits their needs or corporate media narrative.


Do black lives matter to progressives? The most obvious answer is “No.” The lives of marginalized populations have never mattered to progressives.

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A hint about how progressive elites think and operate is found in Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 2009 interview with The New York Times.

When asked about the Roe v. Wade ruling and the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal dollars for abortion, Ginsburg casually said: “Frankly, I had thought that, at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth, and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion.”

This Ginsburg quote about Roe v. Wade was as startling as her recommendation that the age of consent for children having sex with adults should be lowered to 12. Ginsburg’s attitude toward undesirables brings to mind the proclamation of the governing pigs in “Animal Farm”: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Feminists Have Duped Black Women

Black women stood and celebrated with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo when he recently signed one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. Black women are the last people who should celebrate abortion as a positive option for women. Blacks are 14 percent of the U.S. population, and black women are getting 37 percent of the abortions.

Of the 61 million abortions that have taken place since 1973 (when Roebecame the law of the land), an estimated 19 million have been black. In some cities such as New York, there are more black babies aborted than born alive.

In August last year, the abortion industry in Dallas made national headlines with a billboard encouraging black women to abort their unborn babies. The billboard appeared in the city where legalized abortion got its start. That’s where Norma McCorvey—the Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade—won her 1970 case before a three-judge panel; the Supreme Court agreed to hear the matter after both sides appealed aspects of the ruling. McCorvey, who eventually became a Christian and renounced abortion before her death, never got an abortion.

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